Since officially starting my new company, Mindful Spirit a few years ago I have been leading many guided meditations. I have encouraged friends, family and clients to meditate daily. I have always known meditating is important but only after I entrenched myself in learning more techniques to enhance my skills to help people have I really begun to understand the importance of it.
When I was a little girl, as a adopted child in a home where I didn’t quite “fit” in I learned early on to breath deeply. I thought at the time I was just “playing” or doing a fun trick. I would breath in, hold my breath for a few seconds and then let all the air out of my lungs. I would sometimes count the number of times I would do it. It only dawned on my a few years ago that my very young self was actually doing the very basics of meditation! I did know then that it relaxed and calmed me.
As a teen when I read in bed I noticed that I would hold my breath and then slowly let it out as I read. I became conscious of that and somewhat puzzled by what I was doing. I wasn’t sure why I was doing it but it too seemed to relax me. That technique graduated to laying flat or sitting with my eyes closed and concentrating on each body part, relaxing it and breathing deeply.
By my early 20’s I was married and had two kids immediately, 17 months apart. It was quite a struggle juggling two kids and simultaneously running a company full time. I remember vividly when my kids were just wee-ones having them sit with me and guiding them through a meditation. I told them that this would help us all relax.
So it went for all those years and I viewed meditation simply as a way to relax. But I didn’t know until I studied different modalities in the metaphysical world how meditation is used in so many healing techniques.
This year I got certified in past life regression. The basis of leading someone into a trance so they can go back to another life is through meditation. Increasing my psychic abilities I have taken classes from psychics as well as studied many books. Psychics, and I mean real psychics, basic tool to reach spirits on the other side begins with meditation. Go figure!! Meditation for psychics is like weight training for athletes.
Praying is really much like a form of meditation. My whole life on the sabbath my mom would wave her hands over two lit candles, say a prayer and then cover her hands over her eyes and pray silently. Afterwards she always looked more relaxed and centered. In a way she too was meditating. People meditate before a competition or public speaking. Health care professionals that are progressive in their field understand the value of mediation and recommend daily meditation to help their patients.
I could go on and on. But you get the idea.
Just like anything, meditation can be challenging at first. It takes time for it to become a habit. But I can tell you for sure that no matter what your goals are for your personal or professional life meditation helps. AND there is no right or wrong way to meditate. If you aren’t meditating daily may I suggest just five minutes a day. That’s it. YOU are important, make yourself a priority. Know that when you do that you are really helping everyone else around you because you will feel better and share that better you everywhere you go.
Sandy Kamen Wisniewski