So, I wanted to share with you an experience I recently had that I think has a good lesson in it. Saturday I took an all-day workshop on Past Life Regression lead by a woman named Mira Kelley, at a place called, Infinity Foundation (a fabulous place to take classes on holistic and spiritual growth).  I am already certified in Past Life Regression but am always interested in learning more so I can help others and myself.

Mira is best known for her work with Wayne Dyer.  She regressed Wayne and the affects of it profoundly changed his life.  She has also studied with Dr. Brian Weiss, a therapist, who is very well known with his work and in his very popular book, Many Minds, Many Masters.  So I was certain that I would learn a thing or two from her.

The first part of the day Mira talked in detail about what Past Life Regression was and what to expect and not expect. After that she led us into a very long guided meditation that was to lead us into a trance-like state and thus transport us into different lives and different dimensions.  (No, we would not be zombie-like but have full control of everything around us.)

During the process she had us go through two different lifetimes.  I already know three of my lifetimes so I easily went to two of them and was grateful for getting new details.  Doing that has allowed me to further explore the threads and patterns that I have created in each lifetime that serve to teach me lessons to further evolve my soul now and in the future.


What was most intriguing was when people shared their own experiences and how Mira was able to help them to see some of the messages and lessons that come through in each life’s experiences.  Her wisdom clearly was channeled by a higher power and it was profoundly moving to hear her share the messages.  I would like to share with you here a few tidbits of what I came back with that I hope will serve you well.

First, when something comes natural to you, as if it’s flowing through you…where you can look at something afterwards and say to yourself, “how did I do that…did I REALLY do that?”…You are doing your life’s work.  She went on to say that when she was writing her book she just did it without really being conscious about it.  It was when she read it afterwards that she said, “Wow, I wrote that?!  Wow, this is GREAT!”

It made me think of my own writings.  So often I am told that I moved someone with my writing.  That validation is hugely important to me.  My time is valuable, as is everyone else’s time, and I would not want to waste so much time writing if it did not affect change.  I too sometimes look back on what I have written and say, “I wrote that?  Wow, that’s good.”  I knew that it has to come from a higher power but hearing someone else say it is extremely helpful.

So as you move through your life try your best to be mindful every day.  And when you have moments where you almost feel like what you are doing or did was an out of body experience and you affected change know that you are doing your soul’s work.  Doing your soul’s work elevates you forward to all of our ultimate goals in our soul’s journey, to help make the world a better place in our own way.

Secondly, be very careful about the messages you are giving yourself.  For example if you consistently think you are dealing with conflicts and that you are surrounded by problems, you are giving off that energy to attract those problems.  It could be by something you are saying or doing.  You could think that you cause problems or are always surrounded by problems.  Whatever challenges you face consistently is most certainly one of your soul’s ongoing issues in many of your lifetimes and until you break that pattern you will continue to have problems in the same way, lifetime after lifetime.

For example, one of my patterns in my life was being misunderstood and treated very poorly.  It started very early on in school when I would lose friends consistently because of my inability to communicate what I wanted and didn’t want, therefore people made assumptions about me that were not at all true. I was terribly shy, insecure and troubled as a child. That came through loud and clear to people around me, therefore I was treated as such.

Moving forward in school to middle school my insecurities got worse and so daily life in the private religious school I attended got so bad that I was being picked on ruthlessly and even shoved in the hallways. My parents pulled me out of that school and put me in public school where that pattern continued as I was teased and had few friends.

As an adult throughout my personal and professional, even though I was a leader in the community and a good parent and wife the thread of being misunderstood and taken advantage of continued.  It was only after I became consciously aware of the pattern and when I changed my way of communicating and my own “unworthy” inner thoughts about myself did that pattern change.  Now, I am grateful to say that I am surrounded by people that love and respect me.  Thank goodness finally that pattern is gone for good.

It was through becoming mindful of my life now in combination with my past life experiences that I realized what I was doing. Just to give you a brief idea of what I mean by past life experience I’ll share very briefly one of my most recent past lives.

A young black man in the 1950’s, I was a middle class man living in a turbulent time for all black people. In one scene I recalled I was part of some sort of peaceful demonstration. My first memory was dropping to my knees in the center of a street and police officers grabbing me under each elbow and dragging me away. In my mind I just kept saying, “but don’t you understand, we can all live in peace. Don’t you see?” Then in jail my heart was so heavy and pained as I just kept saying to myself over and over again, “don’t they understand we are all the same? That we are all the same underneath? That it’s all about love? Love is all power and we can fill ourselves with it and share it and it can save all of us.” But I knew that I was stuck in that dark skin and nothing I would say at that time would make a big enough difference. As I recalled that memory it was incredibly powerful and tears streamed down my face.

Since that original recall I have been fortunate to be able to regress back numerous times and get additional details of that lifetime that further helped me to understand the running theme throughout my lives. Now, in this lifetime, I am learning how to communicate in a way that not only helps people to understand me clearly but learning how to come from a place of authenticity and love I am beginning to fulfill my soul’s work.

Well, that’s it for now. I hope I was able to give you something to think about. Enjoy this gorgeous day.

Always in love,

Sandy Kamen Wisniewski

Sandy and Petey