
In my way of thinking choosing to be happy is VITAL and ESSENTIAL to my health; physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. Beyond that, the even bigger picture is that many people and animals count on me to stay healthy so I can be here to help others.

When I feel low, drained, depleted or exhausted what drives me to continue on this course of positive growth is the knowledge that I am needed, wanted and important to others. I know others count on me every day. I know I have a mission to help in my own way to make this world a better place and that mission is far from complete. I also have to remind myself I am important to me. (Sometimes that’s harder for me.)

For you, I wish the same thing. I hope you choose to do all you can to continue to grow, change and evolve to be the best you can be and mostly to be happy…

It is not always easy, often it’s actually hard, but I believe it is essential for our souls. Make positive change a priority, make your happiness a priority too. Being happy translates to a life full and overflowing with love, connection, enrichment and joy. It is the only way to REALLY LIVE completely. Together, collectively, we can make this world as colorful, bright and beautiful as this picture.

With love always,

Sandy Kamen Wisniewski