Finding Balance

13692558_1247227865319908_848262516017570658_nDear Ladies:

This morning I saw this and thought of you. I think it’s especially important for women to remember. We have a tendency to take care of everyone else first and then ourselves. That’s how we get wrapped up in making others happy and living through other people’s happiness. That will only take us so far. Over time that won’t be enough and that’s when we feel burnt out and unfulfilled.

Instead I think it’s important to live every day trying to “balance” our lives by finding happiness with relationships, our work, enough money to be comfortable AND with ourselves, in quiet. It is in the quiet moments and when we are “still” inside that we truly get to know ourselves. It’s in that stillness where our insights, guidance and self-love comes through to us to help us move forward positively in our lives.

Consider joining me for a guided meditation every Monday from 7-8 p.m. at ADIO Chiropractic Clinic 316 Peterson Road in Libertyville. It’s just $10.00 to come and a wonderful, shared experience with like-minded women and men.

Have a wonderful, balanced day!

Sandy Kamen Wisniewski